Insights / Industry Perspectives / Tech Forward Webinar: Insights from our micro front-end JavaScript developers


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Tech Forward Webinar: Insights from our micro front-end JavaScript developers

In our latest Tech Forward webinar, we had a chance to hear two of our JavaScript (JS) developers, Milan Milićević and Mario Petrovic, discuss their strategies on how to go from monolith front-end to micro front-end JS development.

Milan is a software engineer with three years of experience. He has been a part of HTEC Group for a year and a half and is currently a member of the JS developer team in Niš.

Mario has been a web developer for the last nine years. He joined HTEC Group in 2017 and is currently leading the JS developer team in Niš.

Watch the video below.

Below are highlights from our conversation with Mario and Milan.

Why do knowledge-sharing events inside HTEC matter so much?

Mario: “It’s always good to know what technology our colleagues are working on and how they manage to solve certain challenges or issues. This kind of insight is more valuable to me than when I hear insights coming from external experts who may be even more experienced in what they do. I am always curious to know how my colleagues solved a problem that I may come across at some point. This really means a lot to me.” 

Milan: “Here at HTEC we nurture a knowledge-sharing culture because this gives us invaluable insights we can then use when working on projects. Also, this way we always know who to consult when dealing with a certain issue.

“It’s much easier when someone has already worked on a particular issue and has enough experience to help you overcome obstacles when trying to come up with a solution on the project you are working on. We support these kinds of events not only when they are organized in-house, but also the external ones.”

Mario, what is the most difficult part of being a team lead? 

Mario: “I am a gatekeeper of our team culture, and my assessment of people’s capabilities and expertise is a big responsibility, and probably the biggest challenge.”

Milan, what do you like the most about being a JS engineer?

Milan: “The HTEC team culture is amazing. The exciting atmosphere and team spirit motivates me and makes our work much easier. Everybody is eager to share knowledge with you. We often hang out after our work together, and there is always a sense of mutual respect, optimism and trust, which I really appreciate.”

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