Insights / HTEC Culture / Celebrating Our 1000th Team Member — Jasmina Hodžić-Brković


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Celebrating Our 1000th Team Member — Jasmina Hodžić-Brković

One of the most important milestones on the development path of a company, when it joins the big fish game, is the moment when it tips over the number 1000. This week, we’re proud to stay that we entered the 1000 club! Our Banja Luka office team organized a surprise welcome party for the 1000th member of our team—Jasmina Hodzić-Brković, who is starting her career at HTEC Group’s newly opened Sarajevo development center as a Project Manager.  

Jasmina had had years of programming experience before she started working as a PM in her previous job and now at HTEC as well. Being one of our first employees in Sarajevo made this a reason more to celebrate.  

To spice up this “1000” themed party, we prepared a welcome package for Jasmina which included a 1000-piece puzzle with a custom-made image of Sarajevo and her name on it, some yummy cupcakes for the team and a check worth 1000 euros that she could donate to a charity of her choice.  

Interestingly, while traveling to Banja Luka to meet the team, Jasmina was listening to a radio show that talked about a public kitchen for poverty-stricken children in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which needed urgent donations. Being moved by the story, she thought about donating to the children’s public kitchen when she gets home. Little did she know that the donation was destined for the kids and was already waiting for her to sign off. It filled our hearts with joy that we could be an instrument for such a noble cause! 

HTEC Group is one of the fastest growing companies in Southeast Europe, both in terms of client portfolio and the number of employees. We currently hire from 50 to 100 people on a monthly basis. In the last two years alone, our team has grown four times from 250 to 1000 employees both through organic hiring process (kudos to our Talent Acquistion team!) and as well as through strategic acquisitions. Last month, HTEC acquired one of the top product design studios in Silicon Valley

Moreover, the company has started a regional expansion, adding new development centers in countries like Hungary, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, and three new development centers in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the cities of Tuzla, Bijeljina and Sarajevo, in addition to our Banja Luka office which was launched two years ago and is already a team of over 80 incredible experts. 

We believe that SE Europe has some of the best engineering talents in the whole world and we want to offer them an opportunity to work on some of the most innovative digital products globally without the need to leave their countries. HTEC offers both challenging projects and a career development path that not many companies in this region can provide. 

We wish Jasmina a warm welcome to our team and we can’t wait to follow her personal and professional growth within HTEC in the years to come!  

For all of you engineering and design talents, business analysts, project managers or product owners in the countries where HTEC is now present we would like to extend an invitation to join us on our journey to becoming one of the best technology and product development companies in the world. If you wish to know more about the 100+ open positions, career opportunities and junior development programs currently available at HTEC Group, please reach out to
