Ever since the breakout of Covid-19, the health and safety of our team members have become our primary concern. We are fortunate to be in a line of work that translates well to a remote setting and to have highly motivated teams capable of staying productive in a new environment.
Our transition to remote work has been seamless, with a brief adjustment period quickly paving the way towards an established and effective workflow. And while our primary responsibilities have been handled with efficiency, one aspect of our work has been sorely missing — the office life dynamics and the chance to engage with our teammates on the basic human level.
That is why we’ve made it a point to carve out opportunities for quality time with our team members. One such opportunity was set up this past Friday, with an international cast of HTEC colleagues getting together in the virtual space for a bit of good old-fashioned clue-hunting and crime-solving.
HTEC puzzle solvers
For our virtual team building, the participants were tasked with solving a delightful whodunit mystery. More than 80 of our team members grouped across 19 teams have taken part in a virtual murder investigation. Everyone got together to be presented with the set-up of the case and the course of the investigation, and then teams went their separate ways into individual virtual investigation rooms, where they could work together on finding clues and comparing their conclusions.

It’s been a hectic hour of investigating as teams rushed to gather and analyze all the information and tried to identify the culprit. The case turned out to be rather tricky, as only 8 teams were able to provide all the correct answers to the questions of who, when, where, how, and why. After an additional round of questioning, one team stood slightly above the others with a combination of speed and awareness — the formidable RoBINZon CLUEseau. Kudos to our top amateur detectives Marija, Strahinja, Stefan, and Milos for cracking the case and paying attention to the tiniest details. Judging by the lively and friendly discussion in the aftermath of the case, other investigative teams didn’t take the loss too hard and the process itself was its own reward. After all, there will be plenty more chances to show their deductive skills, as there is no rest for the wicked.
Remote, yet connected
In the era of physical distancing, it is easy to lose the thread that turns groups of people into teams. It is important that we find ways to overcome the lack of shared physical space and nurture the building blocks of our team identity.
At HTEC, we are intent on overcoming this obstacle and finding ways to continue to get to know our fellow professionals, to develop and deepen mutual relationships, to share our experiences and stick together through the hard times and the good times, as teams do. Whether close or remote, we stay connected through our love for our work and the respect for our fellow professionals. And if we can have a bit of crime-solving fun in the process — all for the better!
For now, we are setting our detective caps and looking-glasses aside until another mystery calls for our services. In the meantime, we are looking forward to new chances for fun times with our HTEC professional family. And if you’d like to join us on our professional journey, we can’t wait to meet you!