For Milovan Pocek, presenting at industry conferences has long-stopped being a novelty. Over the past several years, he has made it a habit to attend, apply for, and present at relevant industry conferences.
A QA engineer by vocation, he has amassed a wealth of experience on challenging software engineering projects, particularly in the area of cloud-based testing, first at Execom, and now as a member of the HTEC Group. He is always keen to share his knowledge, fully aware of the two-way benefits of the process that further his professional development as well.
Virtual reality
This year, the pandemic has removed many industry events from the calendar, while others have thankfully shifted to a virtual setting, Milovan had the opportunity to present at the online editions of TestCon Europe and SEETEST. At the latter, his presentation “Let’s get cloud: Introduction to functional testing of Microsoft Azure” has been named the best paper.

The virtual format of these conferences has removed many otherwise existing benefits, most importantly the ability to “talk shop” with distinguished industry peers, but Milovan believes that it is particularly important to continue to share our knowledge and experience through these times and that even in this shape they can provide a rewarding experience both for the presenters and the attendees. This was certainly the case at this year’ SEETEST.
After a dozen or so presentations at international conferences, it is a great honor to be recognized with the “best paper” award, especially so since SEETEST was the conference where I held my first presentation three years ago. It is a strong boost for me to continue my work on presenting and sharing knowledge. I also must point out that this is not just my reward, because this presentation and the ones that came before are all the work of an entire team from our organization which has provided me with support every step of the way. — Milovan Poček, QA Engineer @ HTEC Group
Looking within
Fresh off his performance at SEETEST, Milovan has held the very same online presentation internally for the HTEC team. Joining HTEC just recently through the acquisition of Execom, the presentation was an opportunity for Milovan to introduce himself to his expanded professional family and share his experiences in testing cloud-based solutions. The presentation was followed with a lively Q&A session, while Milovan shares that he has also continued the individual discussion on the subject with a number of new colleagues.
Speaking of the subject itself, Milovan believes that it is one of the most relevant areas of QA engineering today:
In our work, we are witnessing more and more systems migrating to the cloud, with the majority of new projects preferring cloud computing architecture over an on-premises one. Compared to the traditional on-premises solutions, cloud infrastructure offers countless benefits, such as cost savings, scalability, security, disaster recovery, flexibility, and more. While it is not always the ideal choice for every business challenge, cloud computing most certainly represents the next step in the evolution of software solutions. In order to harness their full potential, cloud-based solutions must be implemented the best way possible, and the quality assurance team is the judge in this process. If the current industry trends persist, testing cloud-based solutions will (if it hasn’t already!) become a necessary part of a QA engineer’s skill set. When I started testing cloud systems, I’ve noticed that the documentation for their functional testing was virtually non-existent. This was my way of giving back to the community.
We wish to commend Milovan on his efforts to share his expertise, both within the HTEC Group and with the broader professional public. Our work constantly provides us with unique insights and different perspectives, and sharing them ensures that we all continue to grow as professionals.